
Done Driving

We're back from our second wedding in Saskatchewan. No more all-day car rides for a while (at least until November). No more dressing up...can you believe I have no pictures of myself? Rod was the photographer for both weddings, but we never got our photo taken (and we looked hot!) Those are the hazards...

I was reminded of my love for beauty again this week. It was such a delight to take in the gorgeous green of the dresses, the glow of the bride and groom, the little details in the reception hall (I think I need to get some Chinese lanterns for my livingroom!). It was so refreshing!

I was also reminded of my need for solitude. Totally crashed after the wedding. Stuck my head between two pillows and flopped on the bed. Then journalled and rested while Rachel napped and the boys swam. Then I could function again...except for my arms and back. I need to build some serious muscles to haul Rachel around during public events.

And I was able to voice some unsought dreams to Rod...of finding venues to perform music. I'm really good at valuing dreams and supporting Rod in pursuing them, but it's been a while since I've had my own on the front burner. It's just simpler and safer to let them simmer in the background. Unfortunately, it's more like leaving your toast on the table...just gets cold and stale rather than more rich in flavour.

I've certainly enjoyed writing lately. Bob Miller gave me that word in passing a while back: "Write!" Have to visit the page more.

On that note, thank you for visiting! Dont' be afraid to leave a comment! (Anonymously or otherwise).


Kristi said...

I like the analogy about toast....

Stephanie said...

That was such a beautiful, poetic post! I love beauty, too! It makes me smile!
love you!

Sonya said...

Thank you, both! I'm quite proud of some of those bits, too! Nice to have you both over on Sunday.