

Well, our church's week-long fast is over. Some good things came out of it, that's for sure. Anyone who was there this last Sunday as our Kathmandu pastor friend shared about taking that "step of faith", illustrating it with stories of the miraculous, was likely moved to a new level of thinking and more importantly, action. I especially was encouraged to go forward even though I don't know what things will look like after I take that first step. And it was a wake-up call to remember the most miraculous event, the most important justice for people, and God's greatest desire: salvation.

On a more earthy level, I have finally been able to break out of my hopeless mess of a kitchen and have clean counters for the first time since coming back from Cuba. And I feel like it was somehow related to prayer, like something lifted and I came out of a fog that I had been calling "Attention Deficit Disorder". Two other people mentioned having an extraordinary clarity and efficiency in their work/jobs at the end of the week. Coincidence? Perhaps. But I think God works on many levels.

One more thing to share. The first Sunday, the same pastor shared about Dwelling in God's Presence. I wrote a poem or perhaps the beginning of a song.


My desire for today
is to be with you
Not worrying about tomorrow
or striving to get through

I want to live where you are
I want to sit at your feet
I want to dwell in your presence

I want to hang on your words
I want to gaze in your eyes
I want to dwell in your presence

Lord, you've been our dwelling place
from age to age
You are our refuge and strength
You have been faithful
since the beginning of time
You've proven your love never fails.

I want to long after you
I want to be in your arms
I want to dwell in your presence.

I want to stay close to you
I want to capture your heart
I want to dwell in your presence.


Stephanie said...

mm...I got shivers!
I love when the "fog lifts"
I pray for more clarity, focus and "fog lifts" : )

I love what Noel has been speaking about. It's been such a challenge, encouragement...and taking those first steps will definitely be stretching..but bring it on!

Bless you! It was great seeing all of your amazing Cuba pictures!

Christina said...

Oooh, I like your words. That would make a very pretty song!

Hope your week is smooth and fog free Sonya!

(ditto about the Cuba pics) :)

Ruth said...

Clarity creates space and time for creativity! But the fog, chaos, is needed to give us context and meaning to the clarity.
The moments when we feel caught in fog are hard to think of as "good" (cause they aren't usually) but God always has a light out there for us to find, a path of bread crumbs, a gentle breeze to clear the fog (or a gale force wind!)