
Still Waiting

After a few false alarms, I'm still waiting for this baby to come. My due date is still a couple of days away, but after preparing for an earlier arrival, I find myself getting slightly impatient. And yet I am so grateful for these days. Today, Rod didn't have to go into work. Tomorrow he has no weddings. So we could possibly have some really nice time as a family and/or get a few more things done around the house. What a blessing.

I am feeling very hopeful about life after baby. (When one has a high needs baby/isolation the first time, it is nice to think that this one could be different and feel as though there are many more relationships in place). Maybe post-partum depression won't have much place in my life this time.

These golden days of October have also been a blessing. I took a bunch of pictures of Jacob playing in the leaves yesterday with his shorts on. How nice is that?!!

Rod and I are looking forward to parental leave. No more evenings with him away; more time to share parenting, finish some things on the house, get in some personal time for both of us, maybe eventually start a new hobby together like gourment cooking...It seems lofty to think of these things when what's really going to happen is our lives will turn topsy-turvy for at least 6 weeks as we adjust to this other needy person in the house. But, it's good to dream!

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