
Moving moving moving

Decided today that I don't want to move our basic necessities over to the new house, but will rather wait until our house is sold and then go all at once. Spent an afternoon there and it's just too chaotic and just not my home yet. I know it will feel that way even once we move fully, but at least then everything will be there. Got our new mattress today. After ten years, it's time for a new one! At least Rod will get a decent bed while he sleeps in the new house now.

Just found out this week that one just-getting-to-know-friend is moving to another province and another long-time-friend is moving the other direction. While I'm excited for them in the adventures God is taking them on, I'm sad and feeling at a loss.

Once again, I am reminded of the need to take time for relationships: for knowing and being known. As I head into a new season, this reminder only affirms my desire to develop greater skill in and priority for hospitality.

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